Kirjoittaja Aihe: Kontronik Jazz noparin säätö  (Luettu 1757 kertaa)

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Kontronik Jazz noparin säätö
« : 05 Marraskuu, 2008, 10:06:54 »
Tässä olis jokeenkin toimiva säätö ohje englanniks:

My Jazz 55-10-55 has been very consitent. I have adjusted the throttle channel endpoints of my radio so that the LED lights up at 0% and 100% throttle (on my JR that's 91%).

I've also found the following sequence gives me the best and most repeatable results.

Connect Batt
Program mode 1 (resets the ESC)
Disconnect Batt

Connect Batt
Program Mode 4
Disconnect Batt

Lock Pitch at 0 deg
Connect Batt
Throttle to 100% for 10-15 seconds and rpms stabilise
Disconnect Batt

Connect batt
Throttle to 100% (Still with pitch locked at 0)
Tach headspeed (on my heli it's 1960rpm)
Decrease throttle by 1-2% at a time until desired headspeed is reached (on my heli i set it at 80% which gives me 1800-1830rpm)

Set flat throttle curves with setting for desired headspeed and go fly.
Here's how i have mine set, your's might be different:
Norm: 0-40-80-80-80
Idle1: 80-80-80-80-80
Idle2: 80-80-80-80-80

Norm is for spool up and spool down only. I switch to Idle1 before i take off and do all my flying in Idle1 or Idle 2 with the governor controlling the headspeed.

I use a separate model memory for programming the ESC. The throttle curve is 0-25-50-75-100 and the pitch curve is locked at 0 deg.
Henseleit TDR 2011 | JR Vibe 50 | G-Speed | G-700 KSE | G-Urukay | G-380 | Jeti DS-16 | TBS Disco Quad + CC3D | QAV400 + Revo



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