Kirjoittaja Aihe: Varoitus Walkera 350 (ei pro malli)  (Luettu 2672 kertaa)

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Varoitus Walkera 350 (ei pro malli)
« : 22 Marraskuu, 2014, 18:47:18 »
Tuolla Scoutin facebook puolella on ollut juttua Scoutin ongelmista ja samalla tuli tietoa saksan päästä että 350nen voi pudota jos lentokorkeus alittaa lähtökorkeuden riittävästi.... lainaus tuolta

Hi this Hansi from and it was my QR X350 that was lost in a canyon. We testet it also with a second QR X350 and it was the same. Since that there was a nother new Firmware but if this Firmware solved the problem was never tested by us. But we tested the QR X350Pro and it worked perfect. I was flying 100m below the Startposition and there was no issues. So if you want to do it with a old QR X350 you better test it before. It is enought to start from a 3 Store buildig and fly fast down to hover about 50cm above the ground. The FC needs about 30-50sec. to shutdown the motors and from 50cm hight nothing will happen to the copter if the motors are turned of.


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