Noniin enkunkieliseltä foorumilta löyty kaikki vastaukset:
I believe the GU210 is a piezo gyro, not MMS like the GY401, LT2100, Spartan760 or GL730. I had reasonable success with a GY191 piezo gyro on a T450 in the past at about the same price. The GU210 has more features than the GY191.
As for the twiddly bits:
DIR (Normal/Revers): reversing switch for the gyro outputs to the servo
DS (Digital Servo): On for a digital servo, off for an analog servo
Delay: Used to adapt the gyro performance to the servo speed. Normally set to zero for a digital servo and start at about 25 for an analog servo. If the heli is handling well but the tail bounces when stopping a piro try increasing the delay.
Limit: Travel limit for the servo. The Rudder channel endpoints in your Tx do NOT control the range of servo movement, they control the max requested piro rate to the gyro. The gyro is in control of the servo. Adjust the Limit to ensure no binding in either direction. You usually want to be around the 100 mark and might have to move the ball on the servo arm in or out to achieve it.
Ja sitten toisen vastaus:Hi, I have tried the Gaui 210 in both a Hurricane 200 and a Hurricane 550. I am a true Futaba and Spartan fan, and as many other, feels that the rest is pretty much junk. So I was really suprised to find that this gyro works great. It really holds the tail solid. On my Hurricane 200, inverted backwards flight, wall of death, are no problem, piro rate is fine, and together with my small digital futaba servo (3154) its a great combo. Holding power on the Hurricane 550 is strong, and my tail did not blow out even in a fast wall of death. Its very light as well. One more thing, this is the first budget gyro I have tried that doesn't drift either, which most of these budget gyros do. (Align, Telebee and similar so called gyros )
So is it as good as the Spartan DS760/ Futaba 401? Offcourse not, but its pretty much as good as the futaba 401(!). If the Futaba 401 is a 10 pointer, I would rate the Gaui 210 to 8, and that is pretty good.
I did not tinkle anything with it, just put it on, adjusted the Limit on the gyro for t/r travel and changed the servo selection switch to digital. I had the radio gyro gain at 80% from the former Futaba 401 gyro and left it the same for the Gaui gyro, and it worked well.
My conclusion is that the Gaui gyro to my surprise is a very solid performing gyro (in the budget class), best one I've tried in this range so far.
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