Tällainen ohjelma ajetaan poppiksessa vuonna 2010

Editti: muutettu kuva 2010 mukaiseksi
F3C Populär SCHEDULE 2010 -
In order to simplify the descriptions of the manoeuvres we have chosen to name the following lines. The line going from the centre judge through the centre of the inner circle of the helipad is called the centre line. The line that goes parallel to the judge’s line and through the flags in the helipad is called the hover line.
1. FIGURE “M” – (UU)
The MA lifts off from the helipad and hovers at 2m and stops. MA hovers/backs up (free choice) to flag 1(2) and stops. MA ascends vertically and stops at 5m. MA descends 5m at 45º and stops at 2m. MA ascends 5m at 45º and stops. MA descends 5m and stops at 2m over flag 2(1). MA hovers/backs up 5 m and stops and hovers over helipad. MA descends and lands on helipad.
2. TOP HAT – (UU)
MA takes off and hovers out to the hoverline about 7 m outside flag 1(2) at 2 m height. MA hovers at 2 m on the hoverline towards flag 1(2). The manoeuvre starts when the MA is 5 m before flag 1(2). MA stops over the flag. MA ascends vertically 4 m and stops. MA hovers horizontal to the opposite flag 2(1) and stops. MA ascends vertically 4 m and stops. MA then continues to hover at 2 m and after 5 m the manoeuvre is finished and MA flights out to perform next manoeuvre.
3. COBRA – (UU)
MA flies straight and level for 10m and enters the manoeuvre by pulling up into a 45º climb of minimum 10 m. Then MA crosses the centreline it enters a 45º dive identical to the earlier climb and after minimum 10 m MA recovers at starting altitude in level flight for 10m to finish manoeuvre.
MA flies straight and level at 20 m height parallel to the judges’ line between 25 to 50 m outside the helipad for at least 50 m. The manoeuvre should start at least 20 m before flag 1(2) and finish at least 20 m after flag 2(1). MA must fly, not hover.
MA flies straight and level at 10 m minimum height parallel to the judges’ line between 25 to 50 m outside the helipad. The manoeuvre starts at least 20 m before flag 1(2). When MA crosses the centre line it starts an ascending 180º turn and (left or right) after which MA flies back parallel to the judges line for at least 20 m. The ascend must be at least 10 m. MA must fly, not hover.
MA flies on the hover line at a minimum altitude of 20 m. The manoeuvre begins when MA meets a point that makes one end of a 45º line with the other end in the middle of the helipad. From this point MA starts a landing. MA must be in descending state when it meets this line. The descending rate must be constant from this point until just before touchdown on the helipad. The MA flight path must never be parallel to the ground.
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