>> osittain totta ja osittain ihan paskajuttua
>> Oikeastaan vasta sitten kun alkaa kilpailemaan, niin kannattaa perehtyä niihin miksauksiin
agree completely. It would be ignorant not to set it up properly
for a competition. Or plain lazy.
But this idea of "learning it wrong" is IMO a dead end, especially for something as simple as a loop.
Maybe it gives me a new perspective if the heli isn't perfect. But that's nothing bad, IMO.
The only way I could imagine to "learn it wrong" is if a loop is far above my skill level. But hey, I think most people are much more ambitious.
Also, I'm not convinced that you actually need the mixes on a
modern heli, excluding F3C competition as special case. On those few occasions where I noticed interaction, it was simply the headspeed being too low.
I've got the flybarless 450 for comparison, which is 100 % interaction free, and I don't feel at all that I'd need to re-learn loops with the flybar version.