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A simple recipe for learning 3D moves

The concept with segments, transitions and variations sounds abstract, theoretical and useless for practical flying.
But it leads to a very simple and efficient "recipe" for practising complex moves:

  • Break it down into segments and transitions
  • Practise the transition between any two segments individually
  • Consider going back to easier variations of the same move, and start building the foundation for your transitions.
    Consider relearning the same thing in variations an opportunity, not a chore. It's less work than you'd expect, and the outcome is always greater than the sum of the parts!
Let's apply the idea to an example:
A backwards snake consists of half circles (segments) and rolls (transition).
Breaking it down reveals the following pieces:
segment: backwards half circle
segment: inverted backwards half circle
transition: roll into backwards circle
transition: roll into backwards inverted circle

If I'm struggling, I go back another step and pick an easier variation. If I notice I'm getting stuck on a backwards snake, I'd take a step back to a forwards snake (it depends - for some, backwards is easier, because backwards inverted is the strongest "flight mode" of many 3D pilots).

Snake: a sequence of upright and inverted half-circles, or full circles at the end
mouse over the boxes below!
segment: repeated upright circles
segment: repeated inverted circles in the opposite direction
transition exercise: straight flight into upright half circle (repeat as racetrack pattern, see also 'banked turns')
transition exercise: inverted straight flight into upright inverted half circle (racetrack pattern)
transition exercise: a figure-8 'snakelet' (upright and inverted half circle flown on left- and right hand side of the pilot). At the crossover, the heli flies away from the pilot
transition exercise: figure-8 'snakelet', with the crossover towards the pilot (careful: avoid flying straight towards yourself at short distance)

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